See your strategy come to life

Flipview combines multiple tools in one platform to simplify and streamline strategy planning and reporting.

Allow ideas to surface. Capture risks that matter. Move quickly from strategy planning to execution. Track progress in real time.

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Some of Australasia’s leading brands used Flipview to improve visibility of strategy and risk.

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Engage employees with clever surveys that use simple language to ensure every voice gets heard. Get a view from "the coal face" as to what some of your biggest risks and opportunities are. Understand obstacles associated with key strategic initiatives. Make strategy planning simple, inclusive, and fun.


Aggregate everyone’s survey results in one place making it easy to discuss, update and comment on. Run workshops and instantly report on your top strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, risks and actions (SWORA®). Build action plans, link these with strategy pillars and objectives. Report instantly.


Implementation of your strategy is as simple as creating actions and metrics (OKRs). Break actions down into tasks. Track actions, tasks, and OKRs by strategy pillar and employee to gain a real-time view of where you are at with your strategy.

Years in business
Benefited users
Satisfied companies
Workshops run
Portrait photo of Ben Stevens, the founder.
Ben Stevens
Flipview Founder
The days of setting and forgetting your organisation’s strategy are gone. All too often, strategy and risk documentation is stored in static documents making updates a cumbersome exercise. With Flipview, it is easy to update and track progress real time. In combining and linking multiple tools, the journey from strategy to execution is fast. By involving those at the coal face and identifying key risks and obstacles, the chances of a successful execution are greatly enhanced!

Need more information?

If you would like to get better visibility and see your organisation’s strategy come to life then please get in contact to get a demo!

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