Our Story

The idea of Flipview was born from the founder being stuck in traffic and staring at the dashboard of his classic car and musing over how long it would take to type up interview notes and workshop results.

Wouldn't it be great if you could quickly canvas an organisation for ideas and risks and report instantly? Wouldn't it be great to have something other than powerpoint or excel?!

At its core, Flipview is all about harnessing an organisation's talent to help make the most of opportunities and to mitigate its risks. Central to this is a unique workflow and an engaging dashboard.

All too often aggregating information to feed strategy planning and risk consumes a lot of resource. Workshops and strategy off-sites can be of limited value as those attending might not have the courage to contribute or have been given little time to reflect. The process of converting flipcharts and stickies into some form of strategy document is often a cumbersome process. By the time people have the final “document”, it is out of date and everyone’s focus has shifted to Business As Usual. The strategy or risk document gets put in the drawer. Sounds familiar?

Flipview aims to provide a fast and effective way to build real time dashboards and reporting of an organisation's risks and strategy. Survey information automatically feeds workshop modules, which in turn automatically feed dashboard reporting.

More recently, as more companies have used Flipview for strategy to action, additional functionality has been added in the areas of project and performance management (Gantt Charts, task lists and OKRs).

About the Founder

Ben has an extensive background in risk and strategic planning and has spent over two decades working in senior roles across a variety of industries including the recorded music industry in London, the TV and broadcast industry in Eastern Europe and more recently the payments and Telco industry in New Zealand.

Ben speaks several European languages and has a uniquely international perspective, having lived in Germany, the Czech Republic, London, Sweden and Finland.

Ben is a Chartered Accountant and holds an Executive MBA (with distinction) from Warwick Business School. Ben has a keen interest in futurist trends and their impact on traditional business models, and has spoken on the subject of risk, futurist trends and business model disruption for the Institute of Directors (NZ), RiskNZ, RIMs (NZ) and CAANZ.

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  • See your organisations strategy come to life.
  • Develop your strategic pillars
  • Identify obstacles and risks
  • Prioritise actions and tasks
  • Measure and report your results

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Allow ideas to surface. Capture risks that matter.
See your organisation’s strategy come to life!